This is a sensitive topic for some people, so please do your best to have civil discussions. Let’s do better than the average social media.
This is a sensitive topic for some people, so please do your best to have civil discussions. Let’s do better than the average social media.
Sick people have rights though?
Which is why we need to help them, instead of just leaving them to suffer in their sickness until they hurt themselves or others.
That means removing them from their environment, reeducating them out of bad habits and unhealthy thought patterns, and teaching them new healthier cognitive habits. You just oppose reeducation camps because the term is yucky, but there’s nothing wrong with rehabilitation facilities. We don’t have to leave racists to suffer with their afflictions. They can be helped.
Those rehabilitation facilities already exist. Forced medical treatment. It is restricted to the most extreme cases, I think for a reason.
If you were actually concerned about people’s well-being, you’d at least be consistent about applying forced medical treatment to anybody who has some issues that cause harm to others. Sending alcoholics, narcissists, drug addicts, workplace bullies, etc. to camps? Pretty extreme but at least consistent.
But you are not. You just want an excuse to send people to camps. Typical red fash stuff.
I want to fix the problem.
You’re content to let it get worse.
Typical lib stuff.
“every problem can be solved by forcing people I don’t like I to camps” - typical communist stuff
“Racism should be allowed” - typical liberal stuff