I can’t believe i used the word doge to describe a government agency. I hate the internet.

    • dil@hardlywork.ing
      12 days ago

      @Majorllama @Brunbrun6766 yeah idk why they’re here lol, truth.social is more appropriate, they just desperately want ppl who don’t care for their opinions to have to see them (i get it tho, thats me arguing with republicans in other comment sections)

    • Majorllama@lemmy.world
      12 days ago

      I find it fascinating how often you people dig through peoples accounts before you attack them. I literally never look at how old anyone’s accounts are or their previous comments or posts.

      I’m not gonna delete my account and go back to reddit. Mostly because I’m still banned from the entirety of reddit on all my accounts for “breaking reddit TOS”. They immediately denied my appeal asking what rule I broke and still never told me what rule I supposedly broke.

      Lemmy is for anyone. Just because you don’t like my opinions doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to be here. Block me if you want but I’ll continue using the site as I please.

      You would be wrong that I have not found friends where. You would be right that they are super rare, but I have found a handful of other moderates bouncing around.

      You don’t want me here. Unfortunately I don’t give a shit what you want as I don’t know you and I don’t owe you anything.

      Have a nice day.

      • MothmanDelorian@lemmy.world
        12 days ago

        Hopefully your time here opens your eyes to a more realistic understanding of what is going on as right now you seriously are holding on to a ton if really flawed ideas

        • Majorllama@lemmy.world
          12 days ago

          It’s worrying to me that you think Lemmy has a real grasp of what’s going on. This entire site and the majority of its users are so far off the left deep end that they haven’t been able to see a moderate thought in years.

          I’m sure many of my opinions are flawed to you as I am sure many of your opinions are flawed to me.

          The difference is I am willing to discuss your opinions without labeling you instantly, downvoting you and then blocking you. You guys seem to be very eager to label me any number of things, downvote immediately (and go downvote all my other comments elsewhere like weirdos) and then either block me or ban me.

          I see most of you as well intentioned people. Humans. We might have a different outlook on things but you are still a person. Most of you guys see me as evil and think I deserve to die. It’s easier to dismiss people after you demonize them.

          I know I’m not perfect. I certainly never claimed to be. I just think it’s a very bad idea to immediately dehumanize anyone I disagree with.

          • MothmanDelorian@lemmy.world
            12 days ago

            Im not the majority of users but what you can find here are some people who are educated in political philosophy/economics and have government experience and some of us do know what we are talking about.

            Im not talking about your opinions. You are holding some views that are at odds with objective facts.

            While many might insult you I have not. I suspect we are both adults and I treat others as they treat me. You have not attacked me so I will not respond in kind.

            The one thing that you should understand is many of us here are not straight so if you support the Trump administration in any way you are supporting making me less equal to you. That is going to understandably be hard for most to get over as how do you treat someone who voted to have people like myself lose equal rights? How should people view the guy who supports fascist candidates and their criminal actions?

            • Majorllama@lemmy.world
              12 days ago

              Lucky for you I do not support Trump or the right. I was a lifelong Democrat until I switched to independent in 2020. I didn’t vote for Kamala or Trump in 2024 though so many people around here have basically lumped me in as a Trump supporter because would not “vote blue no matter who”. I live in California so my protest third party vote did exactly what I wanted. My state still went blue, but the deathgrip the Democrats have held in California is clearly slipping and they need to see that.

              My stance on the whole gay rights thing is my stance on pretty much everything in a similar vein. I do not care what consenting adults do with other consenting adults and I think the government should have absolutely zero sway over any of that. Marry who you love. Fuck whoever you want. I do not care.

              Same goes for abortion. I am staunchly pro choice. I don’t agree with pretty much any of the leftist talking points around their pro-choice stances, but I believe the only three people who should have any say on terminating a pregnancy are the two people that caused the pregnancy and whatever doctor they choose to see about it. Nobody else should have a single iota of say over what happens.

              I’m an open book. Ask me anything and I’ll answer truthfully.

              • MothmanDelorian@lemmy.world
                12 days ago

                You take a lot of positions that are identical to the “reasonable conservative” who turns out to be either sea-lioning troll ir a closet fascist. Looking through your posts I don’t think that’s the case with you but if you were familiar with these spaces you might understand the alarms you are setting off.

                Not all of Lemmy is hostile but there is a portion whose philosophical education seems to be dependent on youtube/forums and is lacking a lot of the core of political philosophy one gets through academia.

                • Majorllama@lemmy.world
                  12 days ago

                  Yeah I get it. Looks like a duck. Quacks like a duck n all that. I am a llama I swear.

                  I would say only a handful have here been outright hostile towards me. The majority just downvote and leave. Which is fine. I don’t care about the fake Internet points but it definitely doesn’t help my impression that many people around here are incredibly quick to judge and they make a lot of assumptions about me. Or they hear one opinion that goes against theirs and they automatically assume I am the polar opposite to them on every issue. Which just often isn’t the case at all I have a lot of left leaning positions, but it’s seems as every day goes by the left are less and less excepting of anyone that doesn’t agree with them across the board on everything. It’s legitimately concerning to see how little it takes for some of them to turn on each other. Like one position that’s a few degrees off and you are completely dead to them. The enemy.

                  For example there is this chick on my Facebook that I pretty much only pay attention to because she is so far left it’s entertaining to watch her spiral post about the most insane things, but I saw her turn on one of her best friends because her best friend wouldn’t date a trans guy. They literally agreed on every other political front as far as I could tell, but because her friend said she wouldn’t date a trans person it was over almost immediately. Something like 13 years of friendship gone over one political difference in one afternoon. I watched her leave this huge ranting comment and then unfriend and block her friend. She’s 35. Just insane.

                  • MothmanDelorian@lemmy.world
                    12 days ago

                    There are a LOT of trolls who have come here this week so it’s a matter of bad timing and overall the community here is less polite.

                    Leftists biggest enemies are other leftists. That’s because their views are fairly different IRL whereas Western right wingers all more or less fall into support for some version of modern fascism so there’s greater agreement. Leftists cannot agree how free people should be whereas the modern rightwing agrees that people should have fewer rights in general. That creates purity tests that make actual progress very difficult. The Marxists would tell you this is intentional and the results of monied interests holding down the working class and IMO that sounds right.

                    That lady sounds like she has issues. Hopefully she gets help.

                  • MothmanDelorian@lemmy.world
                    11 days ago


                    Are you sure you aren’t a transphobe? The statements on this screenshot suggest you might be or you have poor logic on this issue (trans people have no greater advantage than women who are naturally stronger and taller as well who you wouldn’t be arguing should be banned).

      • BigFig@lemmy.world
        12 days ago

        Don’t have to dig at all. I see transphobes and I tag them as such. Next time I see a comment from you I already know what type of person you are. I tag transphobes, Zionist, racists, idiots, trolls, and fascists.

        Also, no, Lemmy.world (where your account is hosted) is not for everyone. You may feel free to spin up your own domain and host your own user account. But break enough of these rules in .world and you will be banned.

        -Have a nice day bigot 💋

        • Majorllama@lemmy.world
          12 days ago

          It’s like all the problems with the people on the far left all bundled into one lovely person.

          I will have a nice day. Thanks.