Argentina to Malaysia
I’m living in western Europe and my family is in Australia, so any letters go a long, long, long way.
Probably returns to China.
My father once had a funny digital realisation when he (German) phoned his German friend from Australia while not knowing that said friend was in Australia as well.
So the call went from Australia to Germany to look for the German phone and roaming back down to Australia to make the connection. I wonder if the actual signal traveled to Germany and back to Australia or if it is routed locally after establishing where every participant is.
Hopefully he didn’t have to pay the long distance fee.
I had a pen pal in Australia when I (an American) was in elementary school.
Do you two still communicate?
Letter from central Minnesota US to Australia. Sent it to a friend
I’ve been noticing here Australia tends to be popular as a mailing destination.
A few letters to my family for Christmas/New year from Japan to France while I was there for an exchange.
Canada to Congo via France. Not exactly a straight line. Even if we all agree that earth is flat 🤣
Why via France though?
Buddy of mine used to teach English in Korea, we sent stuff back and forth all the time.
South or North (asking under the impression they still have occasional English teachers in the North)?
My answer would actually relate to North Korea. Dumb younger me thought “if they have no technology, I bet someone there would appreciate being a penpal”. In hindsight I fear the results.
Yeah, regular communication with North Korea would likely get you on a list. :)
South Korea.
Like many I imagine: China to where I live (France), back in those days when I ordered too much useless crap online.
germany to america, or is Dubai farther away from Germany? the latter didn’t arrive anyway.
It depends on where in America/Dubai.